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High Vinthish Numbers

High Vinthish numbers 1-9, including 0 at the end

High Vinthish is for all intents and purposes, a dead language. It was widespread before the time of The Great Purge to facilitate communication among all nations; known as the "Language of Kings" since nobility and the intellectual elite are the only ones who learn it. Special care was always taken to keep it pristine, meaning it was never allowed to evolve naturally as all languages tend to do.

It is not completely dead, as the inhabitants of Overvale (secluded from the rest of the world) still use it. Because of this, Dreya is able to communicate with a limited number of people when she leaves Overvale (Dawn of the Last Bullet).

Notable Phrases and Mottos in High Vinthish[]

  • Belitesh - "guide". Motto of Linsingram College
  • Jrensi ia grelnor - "Rise from ignorance". Motto of Amberdal University
  • Tilethe i veote - "Defy the lie". Popular phrase used by dissenters.
  • Lo danenlast ineo bulett - "I am bringer of life". Last is "bring."

Notable Words in High Vinthish[]

See Also[]
