The Verges Wiki
Royal and Noble Ranks
Queen machine
Male Title Female Title
Emperor Empress
King Queen
Crownprince Crownprincess
Prince Princess
Daeken Daekus Daekeness Daekussa
Baeron Baerus Baeroness Baerussa
Earlen Earlus Earleness Earlussa
Saer Saeress

Baeron is a title of nobility. Some countries, such as Averia, call it a Baerus instead. The female counterparts are Baeroness and Baerussa. It is the highest title used by vassal nobles. Those of the Royal Houses never use the title.

Notable Baerons[]

  • Baeron of Dornwell
  • Rylen of Brummel - Baeron of Irnley
  • Garold of Stall - Baeron of Wendlaven

See Also[]
